Monday, October 8, 2012

First post

Well, this is my first post on this blog and actually the first time that I've ever really made my own blog.  I've been a poster on a few sports blogs, but this is the first one of my own that I've made.  I don't really have much to say at the moment, not a whole lot has been going on.  I guess that what I'll do is to talk about some upcoming things that I'm looking forward to.

First up, I'm looking forward to the Halloween weekend coming up at the end of the month. A friend of mine has a big Halloween party every year with a theme to it, and this years theme is 'Heroes vs Villians'. So everyone has to be dressed up as either a hero or a villian, and they can be from either real life or from a game or book or movie. I don't really have any ideas yet for what I want to do, and haven't been able to get too many suggestions from people either. I've only got a couple weeks left to do this, so I got to get something figured out pretty quick.

Next, I'm also looking forward to checking out some of the new games that are coming out soon. I just picked up Guild Wars 2 recently and I love it so far. I also am wanting to get Resident Evil 6 and Assassin's Creed 3. I know that AC3 doesn't come out for a bit yet, so I have some time before that one. But RE6 I will have to get here pretty soon since it just came out.

Well, that's really all I have to talk about at the moment, so hopefully I'll have more to post up about soon.


  1. Nice well written blog. Sounds like your Halloween party will be lots of fun. Maybe you should go to one of the big Halloween stores to get some ideas of what you want to be for the party.

  2. I would recommend you to rent RE6 to try it out first. I was really disappointed in the gameplay. The quick-time events have always been part of these games but it got a bit silly in 6. This video is pretty hilarious and sums it up well:
